Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Unconditional Love

Is there a pure definition of love?

Is there a pure definition of anything?

Why do we set conditions and conditions
And research those conditions when
Love is just there.

Conditions, conditions

The source of our decisions
Conditions, conditions
The need for our decisions
Conditions, conditions but
The core of our religion is love

Without fear, is there love at all?

Without feelings, is there love at all?
Without need, is there love at all?
Without wanting, wanting, wanting 
Is there love at all?

Conditions, conditions

The source of our decisions
Conditions, conditions
The need for our decisions
Conditions, conditions but
The core of our religion is love.

Without fear, is there love at all?

Without hurting, is there love at all?

Conditions, conditions

The source of our decisions
Conditions, conditions
The need for our decisions
Conditions, conditions but
The core of our religion is love.

Do we have to set conditions on everything?

Can’t we just accept “what is” is?

Without hope, is there love at all?

Without healing, is there love at all?
Without a smile, is there love at all?
Without fantasy, fantasy, fantasy
Is there love at all?

Conditions, conditions

The source of our decisions
Conditions, conditions
The need for our decisions
Conditions, conditions but
The core of our religion is love.

Conditions, conditions

The source of our decisions
Conditions, conditions
The need for our decisions
Conditions, conditions but
The core of our religion is love.

Conditions, conditions

The source of our decisions
Conditions, conditions
The need for our decisions
Conditions, conditions but
The core of our religion is love.

And that is all.

Payman Abdali

Thursday, April 3, 2014


Oh how I wish to forget some memories,
The ones that scrape the heart,
The ones that scar for life,
The ones that made me a fool,
The ones I didn't learn in school,

Oh why do they hunt my mind
Oh why do the rob me blind
Of wishful dreams I once had
Of inner peace I desperately desire
Of trust.

Words without meanings to you,
Sentences without sense to me:
I love you
I need you
I want you
I want to feel you
Passionate to one
Meaningless to another
Sentences that broke
the bridges of trust
and carved into the gray cells

Leave me alone
Splatter my brain
I am insane
The grid, the web
Consumes my breath
and it seems impossible to regain
The sanity, the comfort, the reliance, the innocence
I am insane.

Ah you tainted memories,
Leave me alone at nights,
Let me sleep in peace,
Let me live and hope
for a possible world
without liars
without deceit
without mistrust

A world that I can love again.
Without fear, is there love at all?
Without hope, is there love at all?
Without feelings, is there love at all?
Without fantasies, is there love at all?

Payman Abdali