Wednesday, December 12, 2012


To be content
is rudimental
placid at most

neither gay nor bitter
fundamentally incomplete
incompleteness demands solitude
a solitary floating state of being content

and it daunts you abruptly
when you least expect it

Hopelessness is a disease
a brushfire of accidental events
or is it?

and the cure is also never planned
it eventuates

the disease and its cure are both stupefying accidents
they just happen
as simple as that
and if you cry out "why?"
they simply tell you:
"Things just happen"

Surprises good or bad
were never of interest to me
"control" I always demanded
yet I consistently prayed for an uncontrollable,
unforeseen eventuality
an act of exhilarating surprise a happening, a cure:

to be Complete

Content and Hopeless
I found a cure
that creates butterflies in the gut
that makes me feel whole

--- free

---- pleasantly surprised

---- happy


Monday, December 3, 2012

Selling out your lover

Her eyes flare up like a distant bonfire,
her skin flushes with warm blood, when she retires
after each time she breaks a poor lover's heart

The radiance that fills her atmosphere,
the pride to have broken hearts far and near
decorate her soul like trophies of the war of hearts

But behind the veil of this killer iron maiden
underneath that glorious fire and well hidden
she has a weak side for me,
she still loves me
and that is what burns her up.

Trading love is easier than selling out your lover
The world never rewards a betrayer
Selling Joseph for Nasseriah's Gold
was never a profitable trade
The world never rewards a betrayer

The fire now burns up her eyes,
the blood that flushed her face, surprised!?
now heat up her brain, she's going insane

The pride that gave her power, gave her speed
betrays her now, in the time of need
and thoughts of the haunted broken hearts bring her pain

Going insane?
Gone insane!

But behind the cloak of this killer iron maiden
underneath that glorious fire and well hidden
It is my love that burns her soul
cause she still loves me
"the sold out lover"

Trading love is easier than selling out your lover
The world never rewards a betrayer
Selling Joseph for Nasseriah's Gold
was never a profitable trade
The world never rewards a betrayer

Payman Abdali
November 30th, 2012